
Sustainable Aviation is committed minimising the impact of aircraft noise. Over the past 50 years, aircraft have reduced their noise output by 75% and this progress continues. Each new aircraft is quieter, and more fuel efficient, than the one it replaces. Today’s aircraft entering service have on average, a noise footprint that is 30-50% that of the aircraft they are replacing thanks to new engine and airframe design and technology.

Our 2025 Noise Road Map shows UK aviation noise output is forecast to reduce by 35% in 2035 compared to 2019, despite a rise in air traffic movements.

These figures are UK wide – they are not a projection of future noise at any specific UK airport – and they do not apply equally to each airport, nor indeed to each property, or individual living near an airport. We take the impact of aviation noise very seriously, and it is incumbent on each airport to work with local stakeholders to manage and mitigate its own noise impact.

Find out more about our work on noise.

View the full report here.