
Sustainable Aviation is committed to delivering a cleaner future for our industry. Our goal is to reduce net CO2 emissions to net zero by 2050 while flying more passengers and freight, and to play our part, alongside national and local government, in improving air quality around airports.

Climate Change

UK aviation is committed to cutting CO2 emissions from aviation to net zero by 2050. We are making our commitment a reality by supporting many initiatives today across operations, next generation aircraft, including zero carbon propulsion solutions, Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs) and carbon removal. We are also working with academics, scientists, government and industry to measure and mitigate the Non-CO2 impacts of aviation.

Find out more about our work on Climate Change.

Air Quality

Sustainable aviation is committed to improve air quality around airports. The UK aviation industry has already delivered a wide range of emission reduction initiatives, including changes to the way we operate, such as using low / zero low-emissions vehicles airside,  on-stand electricity and pre-conditioned air. We are also working with local and national government to improve surface access to airports and encourage sustainable transport use.

In 2016, Sustainable Aviation examined aviation’s contribution to air quality. We found that most of the impact near-to airports comes from road traffic, of which only a part is airport-related.

We continue to work to understand and improve local air quality at and around airports.Find out more about our work on air quality.