Addressing the climate challenge

Addressing the noise challenge

Ensuring a sustainable future for our industry

Our mission

Sustainable Aviation is a coalition of UK airlines, airports, aerospace manufacturers, fuel producers and partners all committed to delivering carbon net zero aviation by 2050, and to minimising the impact of aviation noise. We have a long term strategy which sets out the collective approach of UK aviation to tackling the challenge of ensuring a cleaner, quieter, smarter future for our industry.

Sustainable Aviation Carbon Road-Map: A path to Net Zero

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Following positive technological developments, UK aviation has updated its detailed plan on how we will reach our commitment to net zero carbon aviation by 2050.

Our Road-Map shows how we will achieve our net zero carbon emissions commitment by 2050, reducing our C02 output from around 39 million tonnes to zero whilst still growing UK aviation by 78%. This will be achieved through improvements in aircraft and engine efficiency, the use of sustainable aviation fuels, more efficient operations and airspace, the use of robust carbon offsets and investment in innovative carbon removal solutions will address residual.

There is also an estimated demand reduction in UK aviation due to decarbonisation costs from SAF, carbon removals, UK ETS and CORSIA.

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Sustainable Aviation’s response to the CCC Advice to government on 7th Carbon Budget

Sustainable Aviation welcomes the CCC report today which again acknowledges that UK aviation growth is compatible with reaching Net Zero. We agree with the CCC...
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Sustainable aviation technology is reducing industry’s noise impact even as sector grows

Sustainable Aviation publishes Noise Road-Map showing how latest-generation aircraft will significantly reduce aviation noise in the UK UK aviation noise output is forecast to reduce...
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Sustainable Aviation’s statement about Autumn Budget 2024

Sustainable Aviation welcomes the measures the Government has set out in the Budget today that will support UK aviation on its journey to Net Zero...
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Key facts

The global aviation industry produces around 2% of all human-induced CO2 emissions
Aviation is responsible for 12% of CO2 emissions from all transport sources, compared to 74% from road transport
The number of people employed by Sustainable Aviation members, up by 2000 since 2014